After four successful editions, which brought together public and private decision-makers, project leaders and innovators to promote the emergence of concrete projects in the field of ecological transition, the Transition Forum association, the Nice Côte d'Azur Metropolis and La Tribune are pleased to announce the launch of the 5th Transition Forum in Nice.

At a time when it is increasingly clear that the ecological transition is a climatic, social and economic issue, but also one of sovereignty and democracy, it is time to accelerate.

Everyone needs to get involved!

The decarbonisation targets that have been adopted have been set for 2030 and 2050. These horizons set us a course but may seem far away. They entail a risk: that of waiting for the deadline to implement the necessary transformations in our production systems, in our ways of housing, moving around and feeding ourselves.

For this fifth edition, the TRANSITION FORUM will bring together numerous public, private, industrial, citizen and consumer actors; all committed to implementing concrete solutions in our territories.

Building on the momentum sparked during the two previous editions, Youth for Blue is looking forward to supporting the 2022 TRANSITION FORUM commitment to sustainability.

 Contact us if you want to participate at